Blogging how to start a simple advice

Blogging is a great medium to express your views and get fame and recognition doing it.Starting a blog and sticking with it is not so easy.You must have a clear idea and goals to get the most out of it.
You must start a blog with a topic that you are passionate about or something you know very well.Selecting the niche that is the area you want to concentrate on is very important.If it is too large you may not be able to keep up with latest trends and it may be too exhaustive.Select a large topic only if you are confident with it otherwise select a topic that you feel is not overcrowded.

The next logical step will  be getting a place to host your blog.There are many options getting your on domain and hosting,or getting a free hosting on blogger or personally prefer blogger because blogger can be customised any way you want and easy to get into adsense .
The next to do is customing and you can get them suited to your needs by searching on google or just go to all the custom template needs some tweaking don't worry all the necessary instructions can be got from the all those helpful blogs out there.
On my next post i want to give a heads up on somethings you should do after starting a blog.

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