Blogging the right way is important to get your blog noticed in the crowd.In blogging get noticing is everything,there may be hundered's of blogs on your topic but you must find a way to stand out from them.Selecting a blog template that is simple yet elegant can go only the half way the rest is upto you.Focus on quality and not on quantity that must be your mantra.
Unless you have a news blog post frequency only needs to be periodic.Posting daily is the best way as this makes readers wanting to come back everyday. I f you can't post everyday just post periodically in a frequency that you are sure you can follow.
Each post has two parts a heading and a body.The heading must catch the attention of the reader and also the search engine.Focus on the first and it is more likely the second will follow.The body should not be long unless you need to and try to make it with least grammer errors as possible.
You must find a style for writing which is unique to you and can attract readers.
These arethe basic tips to know before you start posting on your new blog.Best of luck.
On the next post i would like to give you an insight how to get listed in search engines fast.